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Institute of African Studies

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In our commitment to fulfilling our responsibilities and achieving a more equitable society, the IAS collaborates with its partners on a range of projects. 

Bayreuther Stadtgespräche 

Image: Bayreuther Stadtgespräche

The Bayreuther Stadtgespräche have been taking place regularly at the Iwalewahaus since July 2014. Each first Wednesday of the month, from 6:00 to approximately 7:30 PM, different speakers provide insights into exciting and current topics. The lectures are open to all interested individuals without registration, and admission is free. Click here for more information

Weingartener Afrikagespräche

Logo Weingartener Afrikagespräche

For more than 10 years, the IAS and the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart have been collaborating to host the Weingartener Afrikagespräche. Every year in December, we engage with current developments in African research. It is an open event that addresses both experts and those with an interest in topics related to the African continent. Click here for more information

Schee, dass du doo bist 

schee, dass du do bist_logo

The Project "Schee dass du doo bist" ("We're happy you're here") is a collaboration with various actors of the city of Bayreuth such as the social associations Bayreuth ohne Gewalt e.V., Schoko e.V. and the Partnerschaft für Demokratie Bayreuth consisting of multiple individual projects. The core objective of the projects is to enhance knowledge about racism and other forms of discrimination, sensitize individuals, and empower all the efforts of the actors involved in order to create spaces for mindfulness and openness. Click here for more information

Beyond Academics 

Fachveranstaltung_IK Kommunale EZ Afrika

In order to get in contact with a broader public, members of the IAS are regularly invited as experts on various African-related topics. Our members have expertise in a range of topics such as (post-) colonialism, African Diaspora, African Culture, Food Security, African civil society, and many more. Click here for more information

Webmaster: IAS-Coordinator

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