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Institute of African Studies

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Weingartener Afrikagespräche

Weingartener Afrikagespräche

For more than 10 years, the IAS and the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart have been collaborating to host the Weingartener Afrikagespräche. Every year in December, we engage with current developments in African research. It is an open event that addresses both experts and those with an interest in topics related to the African continent.

Weingartener Afrikagespräche 2023 

December 08 - 10, 2023

Digital Transformations: Africa in the Connected World 

With the theme "Digital Transformations: Africa in the Connected World", the Weingarten Africa Talks are entering a new round. The conference delves into the current upheavals observable in the global economy, politics, and society, which are closely intertwined with the far-reaching changes brought about by digital information technology. We focus on the impact of these changes on the African continent and the significance of digitization for Africa and its global diaspora. This year's Weingarten Africa Talks will approach all these and more questions from sociological, political, and economic perspectives, among others.

To accomplish this, the IAS collaborates with the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.
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Past Conferences 

2022: Colonial Africa - Stories of the German PresentHide

Although colonial history is far behind us, it is still a structuring element of our present. Join speakers from academia, culture and politics to discuss historical and current connections, challenges and opportunities, forms of appropriation and resistance as well as very specific, current policies and their effects. Show details.

​2021: Environmental Change in Afirca - Development Dynamics and ChallengesHide

The African continent is deeply affected by environmental change, and in most cases, these processes are driven and influenced by global factors. Besides climate change, rapid urbanization presents significant challenges to African societies. This discussion explores the global environmental changes in Africa through specific examples. An important aspect of this discussion is also the ability of African societies to cope with these changes and develop adaptation strategies. Show details

2019: Muslims and Christians - The Better Developers of Africa? Hide

The influence of religious actors and worldviews on the development of Africa is currently a topic of intense discussion. But who are these "religious actors" in the first place? Can they have a positive impact on development, and if so, how? Show details

2018: Migration Control in Africa: Management or Control Hide

The selection of African countries eligible for billions of euros in EU aid is also influenced by their effectiveness in preventing migration to Europe. Representatives from refugee organizations, academia, and development cooperation discuss the European-African migration regime and its consequences for the population, addressing the question of how to manage the significant migration potential in Africa. Show details

2017: Media Images of Africa Hide

Despite the immense diversity of the African continent, media portrayals of Africa in Europe are often dominated by wars, diseases, and disasters. However, even African representations of the continent are not straightforwardly "true." The African Talks discuss how representations of Africa have been and continue to be produced in the media. The focus is on colonial stereotyping, postcolonial perspectives, and the media portrayal of refugees. Show details

2016: Islamic Charity and Development Cooperation - cancelled Hide

Charity plays a central role in Islam, and Islamic non-governmental organizations are established actors in development cooperation in Africa. This conference provides an overview of Islamic charity and its manifestations in Africa, as well as insights into the work of Islamic NGOs. Show details.  

​2015: Middle Classes and Social Change in Africa: Actors & Lifestyles Hide

In Africa, you can find both disintegrating states and those with stabilizing political orders. Are the emerging middle classes a guarantee for this, and how are they politically represented? Show details

​2014: Global Crises - Local Conflicts? Social Movements in AfricaHide

What significance does globalization hold for social movements in Africa? How are these movements and civil society organizations integrated into global forums such as international conferences and World Social Forums? What role do they play in transnational civil society networks?

​2013: Enchanting Africa? Critical Perspectives on Religions in Africa Hide

The Weingarten Africa Talks in 2013 discuss the relationship between religion and science, irrationality and rationality. African religions and societies are often imagined as particularly backward, enchanting, and irrational; they are seen as "the Other" of the West. Show details

​2012: State - Economy - Donors: Who is Responsible for Development Financing in Africa? Hide

State-Economy-Donors: Who Bears Responsibility for Development Financing in Africa? The recent global financial crisis has highlighted the risks of African countries being overly dependent on external financial transfers. How can predictable sources of funding be mobilized to enhance the room for maneuver in pursuing their own development agenda? Show details

​2011: Protests Movements in North Africa Hide

The protest movements in North Africa have brought the engagement of civil society actors into the spotlight of media attention. What does this mean for societal and political change on this continent? The diversity of civil society engagement in Africa should be explored, and the potentials and limitations should be reflected upon. Show details

2010: Africa in Motion - Migration between Conflict and Development Potential Hide

Only a small portion of African migrants find their way overseas. The significant migration movements within the African continent occur for various reasons and motivations, with diverse effects on political and socio-economic developments, stability, and security in the countries of origin, transit, and destination. Show details

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